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Soul Level Animal Communication®

A Soul Level Animal Communication® reading is an intuitive connection I make with you and your animal, where they communicate using a combination of visual images, words and sounds, and occasionally odor or taste sensations. To begin, I provide introductory information on your personality. Then, after we expand the link to your animal and their personality, I can then do what’s called Body Mapping. This is where the animal allows me to feel in my body what they feel in their body. After that we go into Q&A, followed by their comment time at the soul level.

It’s amazing how the messages they send always reflect their unconditional love and their desire to help you know why they have chosen to partner with you, as well as how they’re working with you to enhance the quality of your life as a whole.

​Readings are conducted via phone or zoom. ​I prefer not to know anything about the animal prior to the reading

Soul Level Animal Communication Reading - 30 minutes

As a follow-up for previous clients, please prepare 2-3 questions for this reading.  Once we've addressed your questions, we will then go to the Soul Level to see what additional information your animal has to impart to you.

While reading more than one animal at a time can be done, the amount of information gathered from each animal is reduced and often the Soul Level portion of the reading must be abbreviated due to time constraints.

Readings are conducted via phone or zoom. ​I prefer not to know anything about the animal prior to the reading. 

Cost: $75

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Soul Level Animal Communication Reading - 60 Minutes

Please prepare 4-5 questions for a 60 minute session.  Once we've addressed your questions, we will then go to the Soul Level to hear your animal's perspective on how he/she is helping you to evolve during your time together.

While reading more than one animal at a time is possible, the amount of information gathered from each animal is reduced and often the Soul Level portion of the reading must be abbreviated due to time constraints.

Readings are conducted via phone or zoom.​ I prefer not to know anything about the animal prior to the reading. 

Cost: $ 150

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Giving Back

I'm a member of the Animal Communication Collective™ - a volunteer organization created by an incredible group of women, all of whom are professional animal communicators. We help animals by collaborating with non-profit animal welfare organizations through online fundraising events.

Interested in hosting an event where 100% of the proceeds go to your organization? Contact me!

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